... an elegant weapon, for a more civilized day."
For me personally, the moment in Star Wars where Luke ignites his father's light saber for the first time grabbed me and didn't let me go as a fan.
I wish I could say the same thing about a moment (any moment) in the prequels that compares, but ...
My big 'wow' moment in the prequels (ep II) was the first look at the assembled Clone Army. See those legions of clones boarding the pre-star destroyers was uber-cool. IMHO, the best thing about the prequels was seeing where all of the conceptual design was headed: the almost x-wings, the almost AT-ATs, etc.
Ok, I'll admit, there are a few moments in the prequel trilogy I liked. Specifically: Episode I fight between Darth Maul, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon (my favorite character). Ep.II: the stuff you mentioned. Ep. III: the fight between Yoda and the Emperor in the senate chamber. What left a bad taste in my mouth with the prequel trilogy is how George Lucas converted three very talented actors (Portman, McGregor, and Christensen) and turned them in cue card reading, pieces of wood! The absolute worse moment? Ep II, the fireside scene between Padme and Anakin. Unwatchable!
I believe that Lucas required the other actors to match the wooden acting of Mannequin Skywalker.
[Sorry, I had no idea how to edit my post so I had to delete and post again]
Original post plus edit:-
Amazing! That is the exact scene that always got me. I love that bit and no other saber scene looks or sounds as good as that first time, not even when Luke ignites that same blade on the Falcon, completely different effect. It's like they forgot how they did it the first time.
I'm not a fan of the prequels, they can't compare to the original trilogy and I think all the CGI has more than a little to do with it. It just doesn't feel real.
They do have their moments though like the 3-way fight with Maul.
I think George should re-do them (like he did with the original) but instead of using this "new" computer technology, he should dial it down, back to basics, guys in costumes and puppets etc. With the advances in prosthetics they have these days they would look much more realistic than their 1970's counterparts and at least they would actually be there and the actors could relate to them.
Until I see it with my own eyes I'll always be of the opinion that it would be better that way.
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